The Current State of Educational Practices in Africa

Despite the importance of evidence-based education, the current state of educational practices in Africa
September 2, 2024

Understanding Evidence-Based Learning

Evidence-based education is a framework in which those involved in education utilize empirical evidence to
August 23, 2019

Our Stance on Evidence Based-Education in Africa

The focus on education performance in various educational institutions in Africa often highlights the
August 22, 2019

The Significance of Evidence-Based Education

Evidence-based education in Africa holds immense significance for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures
August 21, 2019

Steps to Enhance Evidence-Based Education in Africa

To enhance evidence-based education in Africa, several steps can be taken at various levels of the
August 20, 2019

Institutional Collaboration

As a coalition, AEBEA combines the interests and motivations of many disparate educational institutions
August 19, 2019
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